Is Your Attitude Affecting Your Fitness Business

Andy Salazar
6 min readNov 5, 2020

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What is up Fit Pros? Andy here from checking in with you for another Fit Pro Business podcast. Thank you so much for tuning in. If you’re new to this show, I’m your in the trenches fitness business coach and mentor bringing you all the latest in regards to lead generation, marketing, sales, and business systems that are working for me and other industry leaders that are helping us grow our business and have a greater impact on our community.

So, if you’re a purpose driven fitness business owner, like I know that you are, then this is the show for you. Make sure you hit that subscribe button so you get a notification each time I drop a new episode, which is going to be every day and also leave me a review so more trainers like you can find this show.

Today’s podcast can be really quick when just about your attitude and how your attitude really affects your day. But let me start the show off with a couple of quotes like I always do.

“Never whine, never complain, never try to justify yourself” by Robert Green

“People may hear your words, but they will feel your attitude” by John Maxwell

The reason I wanted to talk about attitude today is because a lot of times and I have noticed this within my own business, when I’m having a bad day that can spill over onto my clients. And I want you guys to realize that your clients are going through their own trials and tribulations and having difficult times at work with co-workers, with the boss.

They don’t need to come in to see you and have your attitude rub off on them negatively. They’re coming to you for positivity. They’re coming to you for upliftment. They’re coming to you from the motivation. So, don’t feel guilty of letting your bad day or something that’s happened within your day affect your clients. This is ultimately going to cause you to fracture that relationship with your client. And they’re ultimately not going to want to come to see you because you are adding to their stress into their drama of their life instead of trying to get them out of that.

So that’s what I wanted to talk about today, because I finally get the victim of this myself, having a bad having a client that was difficult and that affect me or just getting my morning off on the wrong foot and not being able to get the door on time, not being able to find things and letting that spill over onto the rest of my day and how that can really affect your attitude and how your clients respond to you. And ultimately it’s going to affect your business.

So, that’s what I really wanted to touch on today in the super short, quick podcast. This is what was weighing heavy on my heart today, because this is something that’s affected my business in the past, especially when I was super busy and overworked, working too many hours trying to get my business off of the ground, letting little things affect me that weren’t going my way or not getting the business growth that I wanted and really letting that spill over onto my clients and how I treated them and ultimately hurt my business for a short period of time before I bounced myself out of it and realized that my attitude is really what’s going to determine how my day goes, and that just because my day may start off rough or past doesn’t mean that I need to spill that over into my clients.

And once I started that motto of be the best part of my clients day and focus on uplifting them and motivating them, that changed everything for me and my business and really helped me take my business to the next level because I started showing up for my clients at a higher level and realizing that it was ultimately about how I made them feel. I need to uplift them and make them feel good about themselves and motivate them and keep them accountable. And this is ultimately what’s helped me build my business through referrals, through keeping clients for longer periods of time.

And this is ultimately what’s going to help you guys. So don’t let your bad morning or a rough day with a rough time with a client that’s difficult. Spill over to your next client or spill over to the rest of your day. Just because your day starts off Rocky doesn’t mean that it needs to continue that way. You set the tone for your day. You set your attitude. I know that you guys can get yourselves out of this and really focus on showing up for your clients and being the best part of the day, their day.

And that’s ultimately going to help you grow their business. It’s going to help you start generating more referrals and is ultimately going to help you start servicing more clients and keeping clients for longer and increasing that lifetime value.

I hope that this makes sense to you guys. Just wanted to motivate you guys to not let things that are negatively happening in your life spill over to your client’s life and realize that they have their own problems and they’re coming to you to get out of those problems and to not think for a while and not get stuck in that drama.

They want to raise themselves. You want to raise them out of it and show them a different way of responding to stress and things at work.

So, if you are speaking positivity, but your attitude is showing that you’re not in a positive mood or that that’s not truly how you feel, people are going to feel that.

So, focus on being the best part of your clients day and this is going to ultimately help you guys grow your business. Don’t let your bad attitude spill over onto your clients. Make sure that you check yourself and that whenever you’re showing up for work, you’re you’re stepping into that role of the motivator and the person that’s going to uplift your clients.

I know that you guys can do this. I’m here for you. Reach out to me at and I’ll check in with you guys tomorrow for another FIT PRO Business podcast. In that audit session, we’ll dive into you and your business. We’ll create a clear roadmap that you can follow that I followed over the past 15 years within my business that’s going to hopefully start setting more appointments, start closing more sales and ultimately building a business. I know you guys can do this, reach out to me,

Thank you so much for tuning in for this quick podcast. I’ll check in with you guys tomorrow for another one. Have a good one.

Thank you for listening to the FIT PRO Business podcast podcast with your host, Andy Salazar. Don’t forget to visit to receive your FREE business break through session.



Andy Salazar

Weightloss and fitness expert, multiset training expert. Personal trainer business marketing, sales, and business building tips. Business coach and Podcaster.