Get Your Piece of The Pie

Andy Salazar
6 min readDec 14, 2020

Welcome to the Fit Pro Business podcast, where you’ll receive sales, marketing, and business building tips from industry leaders that will help you take your business to the next level. Head over to to receive your free business breakthrough session.

What is up Fit Pros? Andy here from checking in with you for another Fit Pro Business podcast. Thank you so much for tuning in. If you’re new to this show, I’m your in the trenches fitness business coach and mentor bringing you all the latest in regards to lead generation, marketing, sales, and business systems that are working for me and other industry leaders that are helping us grow our business and have a greater impact on our community.

So, if you’re a purpose driven fitness business owner, like I know that you are, then this is the show for you. Make sure you hit that subscribe button so you get a notification each time I drop a new episode, which is going to be every day and also leave me a review so more trainers like you can find this show.

So, today’s podcast is going to be all about getting your piece of the pie.

Let me start the show off with a couple of quotes:

“Commit to a niche, try to stop being everything to everyone” by Andrew Davis.

“Why would you create something if not to promote it” Unknown

These are two really good quotes, you have to commit to a niche.

I’ve talked about this before. I know exactly who it is that you’re going to serve, that you’re going to attract your business. Repel everyone else and that’s how you’re going to dominate your sector of the market. Stop trying to be everything to everyone because then nobody knows who it is that you serve.

Why would you create something if not to promote it? Businesses are designed to attract traffic, to attract clients, to attract business. If you’re not going to promote your business, then why did you start it in to begin with?

You need to have your piece of the pie. You don’t need the entire pie, but you need to have your piece of the pie. And how are you going to get your piece of the pie?


You have to be the go to person for your niche, whatever that may be. Student athletes, seniors, stay at home moms, figure out which niche it is that you like to serve, who you are attracted to, who you serve best and who you get the best results for, and then dial in all of your marketing to speak their language and attract them to your business.

Be the go to person for your niche in your area, that’s how are you going to build your business and that’s how you’re going to dominate in your area and that’s how you’re going to get your piece of the pie.


You don’t need the whole pie, you just need your slice. I talk about this all the time. You just need your piece of the pie and you need to hold on to your piece of pie and you need to attract that niche into your business and keep them within your business and keep attracting more people just like them into your business.

This is how are you going to keep your piece of the pie and not worry about getting the whole piece of the pie, but attract your piece of the pie. That’s how are you going to keep your business and that’s how you’re going to grow your business.


You have to take ownership, take ownership for that niche. Don’t try to be all things to all people. You’re not trying to go after the person that’s looking for a cheap gym membership or the person that wants a boot camp style workout.

If you’re not a boot camp style type of business. Take ownership for who it is that you want to attract into your business and then go after them. Don’t start the blame game. Start blaming the gym that opened up down the street or you’re the competitor. Remember, you are responsible for attracting your piece of the pie and building your business. Take ownership and that’s how you’re going to turn your business around.


Be consistent, be consistent with your message, be consistent with your marketing. Be consistent with who it is that you’re trying to attract into your business. Ultimately, be consistent with everything that you stand for on your Web page, on your social media accounts. Make sure that when somebody looks you up or comes to you, they know exactly who you are, what you stand for, and that everything that you have out there all resonates with them and your specific market and all speak the same language. Be consistent. This is how you’re going to attract your ideal client and this is how you’re going to keep your piece of the pie.


Promote, promote, promote. You have to promote your business. You can’t be that the hidden gem in your area. You have to promote. You have to get yourself out there. You have to step out of your comfort zones. Remember, if you’re not going to toot your horn, who’s going to shoot your horn? Yes, you’re going to get referrals. Yes, you can have client speak up for you. But ultimately, it’s your responsibility to get your message out there, to step out of your comfort zones and start putting your information out there that’s going to attract your specific niche and get them to take action and step into your business.

This is how you guys are going to get your piece of the pie and ultimately build your businesses by narrowing down your niche, by attracting your piece of the pie and holding onto it, taking ownership for your business, being consistent with your message and being consistent with your marketing and then promote, promote, promote. If you want your piece of the pie, you have to commit to your niche, try to stop being everything to everyone.

You have to promote it. You have to step out of your comfort zone and you have to be willing to do the things that other people aren’t willing to do to attract your market and that your ideal client into your studio or your business. Remember, be the go to person for your niche.

You don’t need the whole pie. You just need your slice and you need to hold onto your slice. Take ownership for your business. Be consistent with your marketing and your message, and promote, promote, promote.

I know that you guys can do this. I’m here for you. Reach out to me. Get on my calendar. If you haven’t got on my calendar, open up so many slots every week, usually around ten until they get filled up.

Get on my calendar. We’ll dive in you and your business. We’ll create that clear roadmap for you to follow, to help get your business from where it is now to where you want it to be if you get you unstuck within your business and also just create a clear vision for you to follow.

Get on my calendar

I’ll check in with you guys again tomorrow for another episode of the business podcast. Thank you so much for tuning in. I’ll see you tomorrow. Have a good one.

Thank you for listening to the FIT PRO Business podcast with your host, Andy Salazar. Don’t forget to visit to receive your FREE business break through session.



Andy Salazar

Weightloss and fitness expert, multiset training expert. Personal trainer business marketing, sales, and business building tips. Business coach and Podcaster.