Do What is Necessary

Andy Salazar
7 min readOct 2, 2020

Welcome to the Fit Pro Business podcast, where you’ll receive sales, marketing, and business building tips from industry leaders that will help you take your business to the next level. Head over to to receive your free business breakthrough session.

What is up Fit Pros? Andy here from checking in with you for another Fit Pro Business podcast. Thank you so much for tuning in. If you’re new to this show, I’m your in the trenches fitness business coach and mentor bringing you all the latest in regards to lead generation, marketing, sales, and business systems that are working for me and other industry leaders that are helping us grow our business and have a greater impact on our community.

So, if you’re a purpose driven fitness business owner, like I know that you are, then this is the show for you. Make sure you hit that subscribe button so you get a notification each time I drop a new episode, which is going to be every day and also leave me a review so more trainers like you can find this show.

Today, I’ll be talking all about seizing the opportunity and doing what is necessary for your business.

Let me start the show off with a couple of quotes:

“Success in life hinges more on seizing opportunity than having everything go according to plan” that’s by Ethan Austin

“This is not the time to fear the possibilities. It’s a time to embrace the endless opportunities in front of us” by Alexandra L. Floersch

These are two very powerful quotes.

Right now, obviously, we’ve been talking a lot about COVID and making adjustments to your business, but this has been since March. And for a lot of us, it’s starting to get to that point where, like, we need to start making some decisions in regards to business and what we’re going to do to keep moving our business forward and to keep our big vision for our business alive.

There may be some opportunities presented themselves where you can add an additional revenue stream or take on another position that’s going to help you keep your business afloat. Right now, I want to give you guys permission to do what is necessary to keep your business going and also keep the big vision of your business alive and in front of you.

So, seize whatever opportunities you have. Remember, your mind is virtually going to answer any question that you give it.

Start asking yourself, how can I increase my revenues? What can I do to bring in an additional stream of revenue? Is that taking on another job? Is that adding another service within my business that’s going to help me increase my revenue?

Start asking yourself these questions so that your mind can come up with the answers. They’re going to help you keep moving your business forward. I want to give you guys permission to do what is necessary to keep the big vision for your business alive and to keep moving your business forward and realize that right now it’s just important that you guys keep taking positive steps forward and doing what is necessary so that we can get through this patch.

There’s so much talk right now about making adjustments to your business, about doing what is necessary, switching to online training. But ultimately, what it comes down to is pulling in enough revenue to cover your overhead expenses. So what’s important is that you are able to seize whatever opportunities are in front of you, take on whatever income that you can so that you can keep your business alive once you guys do what is necessary to keep moving your business forward, to keep your business alive, to be able to cover your overhead expenses, and also to be able to support yourself and your family, i want to give you permission to make these hard choices.

I just did a podcast not too long ago about having to make tough decisions within your business. For a lot of us, we’re getting to that point where we need to start making some decisions on how we’re going to move our business forward and how we can get past this COVID-19 and get back to new normal, which we keep talking about, which we’re not even sure about for us in California right now and my location, we are completely shut down to indoor training.

We have to train outdoors or virtually and then there’s also talks about possibly there being changes to the rules on large group training. A lot of us are having to make adjustments to our business, but we’re still not sure what the big picture of our business is going to look like once we’re able to get back to what is going to be the new normal for us in the fitness industry. So, ultimately, what it’s important is that we start looking at opportunities where we can increase our revenues, possibly take on another job if necessary, and keep our doors open and still service the clients that we have.

I want you I want to give you guys permission to do what is necessary within your business, because there hasn’t been a whole lot of talk about that from fitness business coaches and mentors talking about doing what is necessary for you and your business right now at this time. And obviously, that’s not any sort of failure on your part. It’s just doing what you need to do right now in this moment to keep moving your business forward.

It doesn’t mean that you’re eliminating the big vision you have for your business. It’s just you taking on whatever responsibility you can to keep your doors open and to also be able to support yourself and your family, so I want to give you guys permission to be able to do what is necessary to start taking on other forms of opportunity and seize the opportunities that are going to come your way as well.

Ultimately, I want you guys to keep that big vision of what you have for your business in the forefront of your mind and keep taking positive steps towards that big vision and know that just because there’s a little bump in the road right now, we’re going to get past this.

As long as you’re doing the things you need to do right now to keep your business afloat and not shut your business down, you’re going to come out on the other side of this and you’re going to come out with more systems and stronger and more streams of revenue that you can add to your business that are ultimately going to make your business that much better.

I want to give you guys permission to seize opportunities that are in front of you, take on other jobs if you need to do what is necessary to keep your doors open, to keep servicing clients, and also to be able to meet your overhead expenses and to be able to support yourself and keep that big vision that you have for your business in the forefront of your mind.

It’s such a difficult time right now. I’ve seen so many of my friends closing down their businesses and I do not want that happen. I do not want that to happen to you guys. I want you guys to be able to adjust and adapt and take on things that are necessary, even if that means working a little bit harder during this period of time, maybe working more hours, but ultimately doing what you need to do to keep your business afloat. Get us over this hump and keep that big vision of what you have for your business for the long haul in the forefront of your mind.

I know that you guys can do this.

Moving forward, seize whatever opportunities you can. Add additional streams of revenue to your business. Take on another job if you need to, just to keep your business moving forward. Do what is necessary for you and your business and your family right now keep that big vision that you have for your business in the forefront of your mind and realize right now it is a difficult time. We’re going to get past this time and ultimately it’s going to make us stronger in the long run. I know that you guys can do this.

If you guys are struggling in any way, please reach out to me.

We’re all in this together. I’m doing this along with you guys. Trying to keep things going with my business, trying to meet my overhead expenses, trying to keep my employees employed and also bring home enough income to support my family. I’m doing this along with you guys and making adjustments along the way and having you guys.

I want you guys to learn and adapt and adjust, just like I’m doing within my business.

I know that you guys can do this. Reach out to me and get that FREE fitness business audit schedule. You’re struggling right now and you just need some guidance, need some help on what you need to do, what steps you need to take to just keep moving your business forward.

Reach out to me at it and get on my calendar and we’ll set a clear roadmap for you to follow. That’s going to help you figure out what steps you need to take to help you keep moving your business forward.

I’m here for you again. Reach out to me that’s

I’ll check in with you guys tomorrow for another FIT PRO BUSINESS podcast. I’ll talk to you later. Have a good one.

Thank you for listening to the FIT PRO BUSINESS podcast with your host, Andy Salazar. Don’t forget to visit to receive your free business break through session.



Andy Salazar

Weightloss and fitness expert, multiset training expert. Personal trainer business marketing, sales, and business building tips. Business coach and Podcaster.