Be more, Do more, Have more!

Andy Salazar
5 min readNov 3, 2020

Welcome to the Fit Pro Business podcast, where you’ll receive sales, marketing, and business building tips from industry leaders that will help you take your business to the next level. Head over to to receive your free business breakthrough session.

What is up Fit Pros? Andy here from checking in with you for another Fit Pro Business podcast. Thank you so much for tuning in. If you’re new to this show, I’m your in the trenches fitness business coach and mentor bringing you all the latest in regards to lead generation, marketing, sales, and business systems that are working for me and other industry leaders that are helping us grow our business and have a greater impact on our community.

So, if you’re a purpose driven fitness business owner, like I know that you are, then this is the show for you. Make sure you hit that subscribe button so you get a notification each time I drop a new episode, which is going to be every day and also leave me a review so more trainers like you can find this show.

Alright, let’s dive right in today’s podcast is about being more, doing more and having more.

Let’s start the show off with a couple of quotes.

“Start where you are using what you have, do what you can” by Arthur Ashe.

“Aspire not to have more, but to be more” by Oscar Romero

These are two really great quote. The first quote was one of my favorite quotes. I use it all the time and a lot of the things I post on my social media, especially for my fitness clients, you have to start where you are. Don’t worry about getting things that you don’t have, use what you have and just do what you can to start and proving yourself to keep continuously moving forward.

Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can — such a powerful quote.

Today’s show is all about being more, doing more and having more.


Focused on continual learning. Keep learning more about your craft. Keep learning about how you can add value to your clients. Keep learning about how you can deliver more effectively to your clients and get the results that your clients are seeking. Focus on continual learning. If you want to be more, focused on continuous improvement, keep trying to improve the quality of the service that you’re providing. Keep trying to improve the systems and the things that you’re learning for your business. That’s going to help you to be more. Keep evolving and keep adding, keep evolving as a person, keep evolving as a trainer, keep evolving with your training systems and keep adding additional services to your clients.

This is how you’re going to be more and that’s to be more equation.


Do more by providing more value for your clients. Keep giving of your time and your resources. Over deliver and wow your client says this is how you’re going to do more within your business over deliver show up. Be consistent with the value that you’re providing for your clients. Be consistent with the value you’re providing to your prospective clients, showing up with consistent content that resonates with them.

That’s going to get them to want to take action with you. So if you want to do more, keep providing more value for your clients, keep giving of your time and your resources. That’s going to invoke that law reciprocity that I talk about all the time. When you give, give, give, that invokes the law of reciprocity. Somebody wants to give back to you because you’ve given so much to them. And they do that by becoming a client, by paying you for your service.

So to do more, you have to provide more value. You have to give more of your time and your resources. You have to over deliver and wow your clients.


The last part of the equation is to have you’re going to have more. So, having more is a natural progression of being more and doing more. If you focused on being more, continuous learning, continuous improvement, evolving every day and adding additional services and doing more, providing more value for your clients, giving more of your time and resources and over delivering and showing up, then the natural progression of that is going you’re going to have more because you’re going to have more clients.

You’re going to resonate with more people are going to be showing up for people. They’re going to be attracted to you because you’re focusing on continuously getting better and that’s going to enhance their lives. So having more is a natural progression of being more and doing more. I hope that this makes sense to you guys and what I’m delivering for you.

So, if you want to have more within your business, focus on being more and doing more and the way you can focus on being more continuous learning, continuous improvement, evolving every day and adding additional services.

And if you want to do more, keep showing up. Be consistent with the value that you’re providing to your clients and your prospective clients. Provide more value, give more of your time and your resources to your clients and prospective clients and over deliver and wow, for your clients. This is going to cause them to stay for longer, which is going to improve their lifetime value. It’s going to get them to refer all of their friends, family members and co-workers that’s ultimately going to build your business.

In order to have more, you have to be more and do more. That’s the real equation to grow your business.

If you have any questions or need any help with systems, reach out to me. I’m here for you. Get on my calendar

We’ll dive in you and your business. We’ll create a clear road map that I have created over the last 15 years that has helped me evolve my business and grow and will lay it out for you to help you start setting more appointments, start closing more sales and ultimately start improving your income. You guys can do this.

I’m here for you. Reach out to me

Thank you so much for tuning in. I’ll check in with you guys tomorrow for another FIT PRO BUSINESS podcast. Have a great day.

Thank you for listening to the FIT PRO Business podcast with your host, Andy Salazar. Don’t forget to visit to receive your FREE business break through session.



Andy Salazar

Weightloss and fitness expert, multiset training expert. Personal trainer business marketing, sales, and business building tips. Business coach and Podcaster.